Bank Standing Order

Bank Standing Order Mandate

Standing Order Form     (Print this form CTRL + P )

Instruction to your Bank to pay – Please quote ref:  SAVE BPCC

Please pay Account Name:  BPCC Steering Group 


Suite 1, 27 Waverley Gardens, Hanger Lane,

Ealing, London NW10 7EE, UK.

Bank Address:  HSBC UK, Kilburn High Rd Branch, London NW6

Bank Sort Code: 40–04–04 Bank Account Number: 01873474


Your details:


Forename                                                   Surname

Your address:

Postcode                                              Telephone No:

Email Address:

Bank Sort Code:

Bank Account Number:

I would like to give:   £

Amount in words:

Monthly        Quarterly             Annually

until further notice.

 Once completed please return this form to your bank this form includes a Gift Aid option. Alternatively you can use your internet banking to set up a regular standing order online for the amount of your choice.

You can also set up this standing order directly through your internet banking

Every pound you give to BPCC an extra 28 pence from HM Revenue & Customs if you agree our Gift Aid option.  

Please treat all past donations I have made to BPCC and all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid donations. I understand that I must have paid an amount of income tax or capital gains tax equal to the tax you reclaim on my donations.   Yes  /  No

Signature                                                                        Date      


                                                                                                                                                                      Advice to your Bank or Building Society of New Standing Order Instruction

Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society:


Download or Print a Blank Standing Order Form

Click here:  BridgeParkDonationPage-setup

– Thank You for your Support –